Annual Meeting is the last Sunday in January
Summary of the year's events, Guest Speakers, Business Meeting including the election of officers.

Annual Spring Clean Up May 20 2023  Bring your yard tools and help make the community shine
Park Opening - Memorial Day (9 am to 7 pm)
Community Picnic mid June - TBD
Annual Car Show and Fundraiser - July 22, 2023

The Alpine Historical Society (AHS) typically hosts an annual community picnic. Community members gather at the park to enjoy the warm summer days, the park, and community friendships. AHS provides grilled food and beverages. We ask everyone else to bring a potluck dish, chips, or dessert.

cityscape during daytime

AHS is partners with the 49th State Street Rodders hosts

The Valley Show and Shine Car Show.
This is a family friendly event designed to celebrate the summer and check out or show off some very cool cars. Prized include but are not limited to Best Classic, Best Sports Car and Trashy Car! The public is invited to enter their "Trashy Vehicle" and compete for a prize against the 49th State Street Rodders. Typically this is an annual fundraiser. with grilled food and beverage and an auction! We are currently working toward still hosting all aspects of the event

cityscape during daytime

Harvest Gathering August/Sept. (tentative) AHS hosts an annual harvest gathering to celebrate the end of summer and feast on harvest gatherings.

cityscape during daytime

Donations may be sent to: Alpine Historical Park P.O. Box 266 Sutton, AK 99674 or placed in one of the drop boxes that line the park

As a nonprofit, the Alpine Historical Park relies on membership, in-kind donations, charitable contributions and volunteers to sustain the expenses of keeping our beautiful historical park open to the community and visitors from afar to enjoy. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our members and those individuals and organizations that have generously donated to the park.

Board Members

All of our active AHS board members who volunteer an amazing amount of hours, energy, materials and funds:

Nancy Dryden - President
Michael Funke- Vice President
Chris VanCleve - Secretary
Cindy Gilder - Treasurer
Fran Seager-Boss - Cultural Resource Specialist
Elizabeth Samuel - Member

Sutton Community Members (2023): Dan Boulter, Ralph & Barbara Courtney, Heather Doncaster, Nancy Dryden, Michael Funke, Cindy Gilder & Dan Kenney, Dennis & Lori Hamann, Patricia & Creighton Moore,  Christopher Rose, Elizabeth Samuel, William Schmidtkunz,  Frances Seager-Boss & Jack Boss, Karen & John Stuart, Joann Utt, Christina & David VanCleve, and Brian & Jessica Winnstaffer